Get the Right CS Job Course

Discover insider strategies for job hunting, crafting a compelling résumé and cover letter, and acing interviews.

Course Overview

Begin your journey in Customer Success with our specialized “Get the Right CS Job” course. Learn insider strategies for job hunting, creating compelling résumés and cover letters, acing interviews, and mastering the art of networking. Our course is tailored to help you stand out in the competitive field of Customer Success.

Course Content

Module One: Preparing Yourself

Learn what it takes to break into Customer Success, enhance your readiness for job opportunities, and actively seek the best vacancies.

  • Can an “Outsider” break in to Customer Success

  • Knowledge, Skills and Experience

  • Social Media and Networking

  • Proactive Approaches to Job Hunting

Module Two: Applying for Positions

Equip yourself with tools like a template résumé, cover letter, and a CSM interview practice deck to effectively apply for jobs.

  • Creating Your Résumé

  • Writing a Cover Letter

  • Attending the Interview

Module Three: Real-World Insights

Gain insights through interviews with industry experts and role-play a real CSM job interview to refine your approach.

  • Interview with a Recruitment Specialist

  • Interview with a Customer Success Leader

  • Role Play CSM Interview

Jumpstart Your Career in Customer Success

Special Offer: Get the Right CS Job Course

Now only $46 — save over 44% off the regular price of $83!

Sample Video:

Can an Outsider Break into Customer Success?

Explore Your New Career Path

Discover if it's possible to enter the Customer Success field without direct experience. This video outlines key strategies for individuals from varied backgrounds to transition into Customer Success roles, highlighting essential skills and effective networking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the “Get the Right CS Job” training program cover?

The “Get the Right CS Job” training program covers the topic of how to get your first job as a Customer Success Management professional. It explains to students what knowledge, skills, and experience they will need in order to be considered for a CSM position, how to use social media to help position themselves as someone with Customer Success Management expertize, how to find the best Customer Success Management job vacancies, and how to apply for those vacancies in a way to maximize your chances of being selected for interview. Finally, it covers how to prepare for your interview and what to do on the day.

Who is the “Get the Right CS Job” training program for?

The “Get the Right CS Job” training program is aimed at people who have little or even no direct previous experience in a CSM role, but who do have transferable knowledge, skills, and experience from other customer-facing professional roles, and who is looking to make the transition from their current profession into Customer Success Management.

Does the “Get the Right CS Job” training program provide training in Customer Success Management?

No. The “Get the Right CS Jobs” training program focuses purely on how people with no existing experience in a CSM role but with relevant transferable expertize can maximize their chances of getting their first CSM role. To learn the basics of Customer Success Management, we recommend either our Customer Success Basics training program or our more comprehensive CCSM certification programs

If I purchase the “Get the Right CS Job” training program, am I guaranteed to find a job?

No. The “Get the Right CS Job” training program will provide you with the knowledge you need in order to know what to do to maximize your chances of being offered a position as a CSM. But you still have to assess for yourself whether you have the right personality and background to make it as a CSM, and you still have to apply the knowledge we provide to your own situation. What we can say is that we are very confident that the advice and guidance we provide is very useful and relevant to those who are serious about finding work as a CSM.

Is the “Get the Right CS Job” training program suitable for college graduates with little to no previous work experience?

Whilst college graduates are not the primary intended audience for this course, the “Get the Right CS Job” training program should prove very useful to such graduates who aspire to become CSMs either straight away if possible or perhaps even in the short to medium term future.

Are there really any jobs going for CSMs at the moment?

Yes. We can say for certain that at the time of writing this FAQ guide (September 2020) there most definitely are both junior and senior Customer Success Management vacancies being offered that need to be filled. However it is also true to say that as with most if not all professions, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a short term drop in the numbers of vacancies being advertised. We expect that ultimately the numbers of vacancies will bounce back very strongly, since Customer Success Management has been one of the professions that has been of great help for many companies during this pandemic crisis, and has therefore increased in prominance and importance within many companies.

I live in (insert your country) – are there any Customer Success Management vacancies in my country or region?

Whilst Customer Success Management vacancies were originally almost entirely based in the Silicon Valley area of California, this is most definitely no longer the case, and there are thousands of Customer Success managers employed in a very wide variety of countries throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, India, the Middle East, the Far East, and Australia.

If I do not get a job can I have my money back?

No. We cannot guarantee that this course on its own will be enough to get you a CSM job offer. In fact, we know for sure that it is NOT enough on its own. You need to have the right personality, and the right knowledge skills and experience, and you also need to be good (or to get good) at promoting yourself and at applying for and attending job interviews. Our course tells you what you need to do, but we cannot possibly know whether you are the right person for a CSM role in the first place. You must decide that.

Jumpstart Your Career in Customer Success

Special Offer: Get the Right CS Job Course

Now only $46 — save over 44% off the regular price of $83!

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